01-神魔宇宙 ***宇宙天國首部曲 彌勒天書閣 https://maitreya-books.com/ 神話從來就不是怪力亂神,而是原始先民在日常生活情況的觀察之中,所建立的真實認知。唯有相信神話中的真實,才能感受到神話的詩意隱喻背後,所具有的神聖力量。打開你的想像,打開你的相信,你才能知道神話告訴了你什麼宇宙生命的資訊。 生命起源於宇宙之中,生長於宇宙之中,結束於宇宙之中,因此,宇宙的起源就是生命背景的起源。生命形成的每一個階段,其實都在述說著生命的本能,也就是生命本就存在的一種力量,在此雖是說明一種狀況,然而將這狀況投射在生命的生活行動之中,你就會明白自己究竟有哪些不可思議的本能!

Divine Sanctified Energy from Maitreya Yiguandao 彌勒一貫道教主 彌勒皇佛陳金龍 開光寶物的神奇能量!


 Divine Sanctified Energy from Maitreya Yiguandao 彌勒一貫道教主 彌勒皇佛陳金龍 開光寶物的神奇能量!

*Savina Chang*





I was also very impressed by one of crystals' sanctification!

When I first started my YouTube video for Maitreya Yiguandao ,’ the night before the first video recording, there was an invisible burning force like fire rushed into my chest and caused my throat to inflame.

To deal with this unexpected throat inflammation, I took some anti-inflammatory drugs even I was not sick, and in parallel, my Fa-Shen also traced and dealt with the dark energy behind this throat inflammation.

So why so many interferences from the spiritual world? Because Maitreya Cosmology and Maitreya Yiguandao are the only religions in the world that have a true Maitreya Future Buddha above the temple of heaven, who can teach humans celestial wisdom and guide spirits to escape from the reincarnation cycle.