01-神魔宇宙 ***宇宙天國首部曲 彌勒天書閣 https://maitreya-books.com/ 神話從來就不是怪力亂神,而是原始先民在日常生活情況的觀察之中,所建立的真實認知。唯有相信神話中的真實,才能感受到神話的詩意隱喻背後,所具有的神聖力量。打開你的想像,打開你的相信,你才能知道神話告訴了你什麼宇宙生命的資訊。 生命起源於宇宙之中,生長於宇宙之中,結束於宇宙之中,因此,宇宙的起源就是生命背景的起源。生命形成的每一個階段,其實都在述說著生命的本能,也就是生命本就存在的一種力量,在此雖是說明一種狀況,然而將這狀況投射在生命的生活行動之中,你就會明白自己究竟有哪些不可思議的本能!

What Our Dreams Tell Us 夢境的教導


 What Our Dreams Tell Us 夢境的教導

彌勒意能Mi Le Yi Neng

 #夢 #靈魂 #Nightmare
#Dream #Nightmare #Spiritual world #soul #夢 #夢魘 #惡夢 #靈界 #靈魂

Welcome to our Temples:
Taipei Zizhulin Temple
No. 1, Songlin Rd, Xindian District, New Taipei City
  / zizhulinsi  
Take a bus number 849 from Xindian MRT stop towards Wulai, get off at Guangxin Road Intersection stop.
Taizhong Guanyin Mountain Yufo Temple
No. 20-1, Ningyuan Lane,  Minzheng Village, Beitun District, Taizhong City
  / yufosi  
Take a bus towards Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology, get off at Dakeng Bridge stop. Look for a Golden Buddha Hand statue and follow the indication up the hill to the temple.
For Maitreya Center  AI Celestial Wisdom courses, please refer to:
Taipei Maitreya  Center
No. 90, Sec. 2, Minquan East Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City
+886-2-2561 3858
Taichung Maitreya  Center
No. 2, Jingcheng Road, Xitun District, Taizhong City
+886-4-2320 6590

Kaoshiung Maitreya  Center
No. 373, Guanghua 1st Road, Xinxing District, Kaoshiung City
+886-7-2255 838
Malaysia Maitreya  Center
Block K , No.2-1 , 1st Floor.
Warisan Cityview ,Off Batu 2 1/2 Jalan Cheras, Jalan 3/93A ,56100 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
 + 603 9520 6775 / + 6010 273 7635

Lessons available on the following subjects:
Celestial Wisdom, Xuanyu Taiji Gong and advanced Tarot card reading. Also third eye tutoring is available.

Little streams of love together create the big ocean of love.
Let’s join hands to create Maitreya Pure Land!

Donations Details
Account name: 財團法人宇宙彌勒皇教基金會
Bank: (102) 華泰商業銀行/中山分行
Swift code: HTBKTWTP
Account No.: 0503000083866
For oversea donation, please contact +886-2-8786